Learn how to setup an ODBC connection, a SQL query and schedule it to send a daily email with the results attached.
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Getting things done
Using placeholders in emails and paths
Use placeholders in your mail message or output paths to dynamically include query results, number of rows, dates, etc.
Write output files to FTP or SFTP
Use WinSCP as an external command from AutoSQL to push output files to FTP locations
Writing different queries to same Excel file
Setup AutoSQL to write different query results to different sheets in the same Excel file
Using an Excel template for advanced formatting
Output the query result into an existing Excel file to pre define formatting or refresh a complete dashboard.
Mail settings for Office 365 and Gmail
Set up AutoSQL to mail using an Office 365 or Gmail account to enable your AutoSQL action lists to send emails with results.
Automating a daily SQL query
Use Windows Task scheduler to run your automated query on a daily basis