Bultsma Transport
Bultsma Transport is a family owned transportation company in the Netherlands with a history of 80 years. With their fleet of 17 trucks they serve customers all over Europe. Hielko Bultsma, owner of the company, also has a passion for IT automation. He is always looking for ways to make processes more efficient by using IT. His latest improvement is using AutoSQL to get triggered when trucks need maintenance.
The importance of maintenance
Any down time of trucks is very costly for a transportation company. To prevent this, regular maintenance is key. But maintenance also means downtime, so it needs to be planned carefully in the weekends so that all trucks can be used during the week.
Bultsma Transport has a lot of data available from their trucks because of their highly automated vehicle tracking systems. With all this data stored in a Microsoft SQL database, Hielko has created a query to report on trucks due for maintenance. Based on their mileage, the query will report all trucks within a 5000 km maintenance window.

Pushing notifications with AutoSQL
The next challenge was to prevent having to run the query every day, while only sometimes it reports maintenance is needed. For this purpose Bultsma Transport uses AutoSQL. With AutoSQL the query is scheduled daily. Once the query has a result, it will send a mail to the office with the results attached as an Excel file.
Once the maintenance is scheduled, the truck is no longer reported. In this way, people will only receive an email when they really need to take action.
Save time and maximize truck availability
Bultsma Transport saves a lot of time with not having to check the need for maintenance manually. But more importantly, they make sure their trucks receive maintenance on time. With their trucks available, Bultsma Transport can keep doing what they do best, transport the goods of their customers from A to B.